Distinct Abilities is an academic preschool in Houston that caters to both non special needs and special needs children and is inspired by the Montessori philosophy. It is also a daycare provider for school-aged children. They also have an inclusive summer day camp with field trips to area attractions.
I personally love Distinct Abilities. They took my autistic son into their after school program when he had aged out of all other child care centers but was not able to be safely home alone, which is when I discovered them. CCISD was able to transport special needs kids there so it solved a real need for working families of special needs kids in the district who have no other options than to hire someone to watch their child after school and over the summer. They have the experience and the facility to provide a structured, stimulating, nurturing environment for all kids.
Since moving into their new location, Distinct Abilities has expanded to add child therapy and sensory rooms. They are a fantastic asset to the Clear Lake area!