Frederick Jefferson will be the guest speaker at the Autism Society Texas Gulf Coast monthly chapter meeting, discussing the concept of establishing the Providence Family Center (PFC) a multidisciplinary therapy, respite/camp, and assist living center to promote the well-being of the special needs community by providing accessible, quality, integrative care for special needs individuals and their families. PFC is committed to helping the special needs family navigate the therapeutic labyrinth while providing collaborative, ethical, whole family care from childhood through adulthood.
PFC is unique in that it keeps the whole family system in mind by offering diagnostic, therapeutic, mental health, educational, assisted living, employment, and supportive services for the entire special needs family.
He is asking for your support to make this vision a reality for those families and for their adult children to have a place, a life, that they can call their own.
Meeting Location:
* Bay Area United Way Building
* 1300-A Bay Area Blvd.
* Houston, Texas
* Conference room A (Top of the stairs, to the right of the elevator).
* 7:00 pm